Monday, September 15, 2008

The conflict within

Sometimes I see a stranger
Inside of me
Of an ego wither
Things I didnt want to be
N felt I would never have
I feel chained
To these shackles so naïve
Chains I made thorough n paid
Desires and craves
That take its toll
Makes u a slave
To the one you have turned to be
I feel choked
Cant get out
This sweat tasted sweet
Now makes me throw
Coz I don wanna cheat
N make a show

I believe that every one no matter how 'good' or ' bad' it seems, have the same amount of positive and negatives inside.. Its just that some people express one side more than the other ... However much one shapes ones ideals and character , it doesnt deny the fact that for every good to exist , or show its sheen , there should be an equal evil that needs to express itself silently within . Sometimes it comes as rude shock that we are capable of all things which we despise neverthless rever the fact that we can make the distinction .

sorry if i am a bit abstract


Xplorer said...

da keep it goin..........!! seems like life after coll is hittin u hard.......!!

Unknown said...

lol !! mate, welcome to Club Abstract !!

Anand Nair said...

nice nice...

its great that this side of u finds expression on blogspot...

happy bloggin mate...